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Events - 2013-2014 Summary
Summary of Recent Events 2013-2014


PfA Speaker Series: Dr. Rocco Cheng on Your Straight A Child: The Foundation and Cost of Success (04.17.2014)
Discussion on our own definition of success and what is important to keep in mind as we strive to provide an ideal environment for our children.


Dr. Cheng is Corporate Director of Prevention and Early Intervention Services at Pacific Clinics. A licensed clinical psychologist since 1996, Dr. Cheng has worked as a crisis counselor, team leader, project coordinator and program director. He was an expert consultant to State Department of Mental Health and Mental Health Service Oversight and Accountability Commission (OAC). He has worked on several statewide projects involving Asian and Pacific Islander Communities. Dr. Cheng is very interested in the spiritual dimension of mental health. He is a steering committee member of the statewide Mental Health and Spirituality Initiative since 2007.


PfA Speaker Series: James Munton on CyberSense: Think Before You Click (02.26.2014)
Two-part internet safety program, one targeted at teens and the other for parents.

James Munton has appeared on ABC, NBC and Fox News and has been featured in articles in The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal and The Dallas Morning News. This acclaimed presentation on CyberSense covered important topics as cyber bullying, identity theft, online predators, and social media exposure in a fun and slight-of-hand way.



PfA Speaker Series: Dr. Madeline Levine on Parenting Strategies Involved in Raising the Complete Child in Today's

Complex World (02.04.2014)

Practical research-based thinking in raising healthy, motivated kids, capable of reaching their full potential.

Madeline Levine, PhD, is a psychologist with almost 30 years of experience as a clinician, consultant, educator and author. She aptly sums up parents' hopes and responsibilities:

"While we all hope that our children will do well in school, we hope with even greater fervor that they will do well in life.

Our job is to help them know and appreciate themselves deeply, to be resilient in the face of adversity, to approach the world with zest, to find work that is satisfying, friends and spouses who are loving and loyal, and to hold a deep belief that they have something meaningful to contribute to the world."



PfA Speaker Series: Dr. Jonathan Sum on Repetitive Overuse Injuries in Youth (11.20.2013)
The lecture focused on recognizing over-use injuries, prevention, and treatment -- before these injuries can become permanently damaging.


Dr. Sum is the Assistant Professor of Clinical Physical Therapy at USC and a former Trojan baseball player. His background in high school and college sports, along with his academic and clinical experience, allows him to recognize, treat, and prevent potential injuries.

His presentation can be seen by following this slide graphic.


Red Ribbon Week (10.21.2013 - 10.25.2013)
PfA sponsors Red Ribbon Week at each San Marino school site with the following themes that incorporate Healthy and Drug-Free Living:

  • Carver Elementary: "Good Choices are the Key to Your Dreams"

  • Valentine Elementary: "Healthy Choices"

  • Huntington Middle School: various Drug Free messages throughout the week

  • San Marino High School: various Drug Free messages throughout the week


PfA Speaker Series: Hazel Ng, Dietician, on Healthy Meals for Healthy Families (10.23.2013)

Handouts given at the event:
Family Mealtime Parent Handout
Healthy Eating Tips for Parents (Chinese Version)

To learn more, go to Hazel Ng's site at

PfA Speaker Series: Dr. Laura Markham on How to Get Your Child Cooperating Without Yelling, Threats or Punishment (9.25.2013)
in conjunction with Cottage Co-op

Dr. Laura Markham of Aha! Parenting is the author of Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids: How to Stop Yelling and Start Connecting. Dr. Laura earned her Ph.D. in clinical psychology at Columbia University. She is also the mother of two almost-grown children.

Dr. Markham explained how "Preventive Maintenance" is important in every family to stay out of the "Breakdown Lane."


This preventive maintenance can be established by connecting with your child, setting limits while showing empathy, laughing with your children, and most of all managing your own emotions, especially in front of your impressionable children. The #1 takeaway is to spend at least 10 minutes a day with each child (ONE on ONE time) -- children will feel seen, loved, and heard. Dr. Markham says, "Do NOT look at your cell phone" but look into your child's eyes and ask questions -- talk to them, make jokes with them, do something fun with them. And if you have nothing else to say, then repeatedly say, "I Love You." This investment of time will significantly reduce meltdowns and sibling rivalry, according to Dr. Markham.

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